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型号:BOMAB模体 类别: 质控模体 品牌:美国核科技 pdf资料: 美国核科技BOMAB全身计数器计量模体,BOMAB模体.pdf
采购热线:威尼斯欢乐娱人v3676  13632925349 在线咨询产品    美国核科技BOMAB全身计数器计量模体,BOMAB模体在线咨询QQ:274798107
BOMAB是BOttle Manikin ABsorber的缩写词,也称为Bottle Absorber Manikin。这些BOMAB模型旨在尽可能模仿人体组织,以便校准全身计数器。可以使用BOMAB模型执行许多测试,并且全身计数设施的测试协议每年都不同。


BOMAB模体由十个不同形状(圆形和椭圆形)的圆柱体组成,尺寸共同构成普通人。高密度聚乙烯,约4.76毫米厚,用于体模的所有部分,因为它被认为在裂变和激活体负荷监测中通常遇到的光子能量范围内具有足够的组织等效性。每个气缸都装有一个50毫米防漏凹陷加油口盖,安装在每个气缸的末端。盖子完全关闭时 与表面齐平以允许圆柱体堆叠。整体尺寸的设计符合ICRP 23中描述的参考人的要求。公差保持在+/- 10%之内。

NTS BOMAB Phantom Dimensions,按以下顺序给出:


头1 ...........椭圆......................... 19 x 14 ........ ............................... .. 20 ................ ...................... 3500

颈部1 .............圈........................ 13 dia ........ ................................... 10 .............. ....................... 998

Thorax 1 .......... Ellipse ....................... 30 x 20 ........... .............................. 40 ................... .............17000

Lumbar 1 ......... Ellipse ........................ 36 x 20 ........... .............................. 20 ................... ..............9990

大腿2 ...........圈......................... 16 dia ......... ................................... 40 .............. ........................6130

腿2 ..............圈......................... 13 dia ...... ..................................... 40 ............ ..........................3660

武器2 .............圈......................... 10.5直径....... ................................. 60 ................ ...................... 3724


photo of BOMAB seamless phantomThe BOttle Manikin ABsorption (BOMAB) Phantom is used to calibrate whole body counters.

The seamless BOMAB consists of ten bottles with dimensions as given in Table 1. The seamless BOMAB is composed of polyethylene plastic and constructed without seams in any of the ten bottles.

The volumes of the manufactured version are within 20% of the values specified in Table 1 for cylindrical parts. The total volume of manufactured phantoms tend to have an overall tolerance of 10%.

Each bottle has a recessed screw-type fill port. The screw cap is provided with each bottle and is leak proof when securely tightened.

Table 1. BOMAB Dimensions
  Shape Cross Section (cm) Vertical Height (cm) Fill
Volume (cm3)
Head Elipsoid 19 x 14 20 3525
Neck Cylinder 13 (diam) 10 1030
Upper Torso Elipsoid 30 x 20 40 16970
Lower Torso Elipsoid 36 x 20 20 9990
Thighs (2x) Cylinder 15 (diam) 40 12100
Lower Legs (2x) Cylinder 12 (diam) 40 7490
Arms (2x) Cylinder 20 (diam) 60 7600
SAG: BOMAB模体,BOMAB全身计数器计量模体,BOMAB Phantom,seamless bomab phantom
