7150胃肠镜模体,EGD模拟器,7150 EGD模体详细介绍:
7150胃肠镜模体,EGD模拟器,7150 EGD模体是一种食管胃十二指肠镜检查的高质量实践模型允许将内窥镜从食管插入并导航到十二指肠。
特殊的柔软材料逼真地再现了胃肠道,可以像在真人上一样进行内窥镜检查训练。内部结构在内窥镜中看起来栩栩如生,并且表现得像真实的组织。显示舌头、喉、食道、胃和十二指肠。口腔、食道和十二指肠可以更换并替换为可选的更高难度模块。基本型号有 1 级难度,2 级和 3 级可以作为配件订购。
该模型有 4 个阶段的息肉以及一个溃疡,用于练习导航和诊断。
7150胃肠镜模体,EGD模拟器,7150 EGD模体可以进行以下练习:
- 从口腔到十二指肠的导航训练。
- Clipping(如果使用此选项,则在进行一些练习后必须改变胃部)
- 活检(如果使用此选项,则必须在一些运动后改变胃)
- 吊带训练(如果吊带完全拉紧,经过一些练习后必须更换腹部)
EGD - Simulator
This high-quality practice model for esophago-gastro-duodenoscopy allows insertion and navigation of an endoscope from esophagus to duodenum.
Special soft materials reproduce the gastrointestinal tract lifelike, allowing training of endoscopy as on real humans. The internal structures look lifelike in the endoscope and also behave like real tissue. The tongue, larynx, esophagus, stomach and duodenum are shown. The mouth, esophagus and duodenum can be swapped out and replaced with optional higher difficulty modules. The basic model comes in difficulty level 1, levels 2 and 3 can be ordered as accessories.
The model has polyps in 4 stages as well as an ulcer to practice navigation and diagnosis.
The following exercises can be performed:
- Navigation training from mouth to duodenum.
- Clipping (if this option is used, the stomach must be changed after some exercises)
- Biopsy (if this option is used, the stomach must be changed after some exercises)
Sling training (if the sling is tightened completely, the stomach must be changed after some exercises)