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Pro-Project PRO-MAM乳腺阈对比度模体,PRO-MAM乳腺模体

Pro-Project PRO-MAM乳腺阈对比度模体,PRO-MAM乳腺模体

型号:PRO-MAM 类别: 质控模体 品牌:Pro-Project pdf资料: Pro-Project PRO-MAM乳腺阈对比度模体,PRO-MAM乳腺模体.pdf
采购热线:威尼斯欢乐娱人v3676  13632925349 在线咨询产品    Pro-Project PRO-MAM乳腺阈对比度模体,PRO-MAM乳腺模体在线咨询QQ:274798107

Pro-Project PRO-MAM乳腺阈对比度模体,PRO-MAM乳腺模体

Pro-Project PRO-MAM乳腺阈对比度模体,PRO-MAM乳腺模体产品亮点:
无与伦比的准确性 - 比市场上的其他产品高出30倍
Pro-Control软件提供对幻像图像的自动和半自动分析,提供所有必需的信息,如对比 - 细节曲线,使质量保证简单快捷

Pro-Project PRO-MAM乳腺阈对比度模体,PRO-MAM乳腺模体

Pro-Project PRO-MAM乳腺阈对比度模体,PRO-MAM乳腺模体

Pro-Project PRO-MAM乳腺阈对比度模体,PRO-MAM乳腺模体技术数据:
主PMMA模块尺寸:240 x 180 x 20mm
2个额外的240 x 180 x 10毫米PMMA板
2个额外的240 x 180 x 5毫米PMMA板

Pro-Project PRO-MAM乳腺阈对比度模体,PRO-MAM乳腺模体产品特点:
- 欧洲乳腺癌筛查和诊断质量保证指南(EPQC)第4版 - EUREF
- IEC 61223-3-2
- NHSBSP设备报告0604,全场数字式调试和常规测试乳房X线照相系统2009年4月发布(第3版)

Contrast details mammography phantom according to European Protocol for quality assurance in Digital Mammography. It may be used to determine if mammographic images indicate objects with very low contrast and very small diameter, to find out the optimum exposure technique, or to compare image quality at various object thicknesses by variation of the amount of PMMA thickness.

Product highlights:
unmatched accuracy – up to 30 times better than other products on the market
gold disc objects positioned as per EUREF specs
objects diameter, thickness and layout can be modified according to individual specifications
no materials other than PMMA are used, so there is no need to calculate PMMA-equivalent attenuation for other materials such as aluminium
for full-field analog and digital units
Pro-Control software provides automatic and semi-automatic analysis of phantom’s images, providing all necessary information like Contrast-Details curve, making quality assurance simple and quick
Technical data (can be modified to customer specifications):
main PMMA module size: 240 x 180 x 20mm
main module contains gold (99.99%) discs organized in a 16x16 matrix (diameter x thickness) placed at a depth of 10mm
one or multiple discs per cell configuration
discs have following standard diameters: 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5 and 2.0mm
discs have following standard thicknesses: 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 90, 120, 150, 200, 250, 350, 500, 700, 1000, 1700 and 2000nm
diameter accuracy 0.001mm (1µm)
thickness accuracy: 0.1nm (0.0001 µm)
2 additional 240 x 180 x 10mm PMMA plates
2 additional 240 x 180 x 5mm PMMA plates
carrying case
Product features:
complies with:
– 4th edition of the European Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Breast Cancer Screening and Diagnosis (EPQC)
– EUREF type test protocol version 1.2
– IEC 61223-3-2
– NHSBSP Equipment Report 0604, Commissioning and Routine Testing of Full Field Digital Mammography Systems Published April 2009 (Version 3)
CE certified
the Manual provides detailed guidelines for carrying out each test, results assessment and registration

SAG: PRO-MAM乳腺模体,PRO-MAM模体,Pro-Project代理,Pro-Project,PRO-MAM乳腺阈对比度模体,Pro-Project模体,Pro-Project PRO-MAM
